File image of a young person at a bowling alley. HOY
Fire brigade on the ball after woman gets hand trapped inside bowling alley machine in Spain
112 incident

Fire brigade on the ball after woman gets hand trapped inside bowling alley machine in Spain

While waiting for the emergency services to arrive, a good samaritan attempted to dismantle the bowling ball return mechanism to try and free the victim

Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 16:11

Members of the Badajoz fire and rescue service were called out to the El Faro shopping centre in the southwestern region of Extremadura in Spain after a woman's hand became stuck inside the machinery that returns balls at a bowling alley.

Emergency services were scrambled to the scene about 8pm on Saturday 6 April, but when they arrived they discovered the woman had freed her hand and was not injured. She was bowling with friends and put her hand inside the mechanism that returns the balls when it became stuck.

While waiting for the fire brigade to arrive, a man had dismantled the machine and was able to extract the woman's hand from it.

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surinenglish Fire brigade on the ball after woman gets hand trapped inside bowling alley machine in Spain


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