More pain in store for many people with mortgages. sur
The Euribor reached 1.2 per cent in August and mortgages are about to become more expensive

The Euribor reached 1.2 per cent in August and mortgages are about to become more expensive

The interbank lending rate ended the month at the highest level for ten years and monthly loan repayments are likely to go up by an average of 120 euros a month

José María Camarero


Wednesday, 31 August 2022, 19:06

The Euribor rate has once again made its presence felt in the lives of households, almost without warning, as it has risen to 1.2% at the end of August, breaking all records. This is the highest level since the summer of 2012, and it ... has risen to this point since being at -0.5% last December.

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surinenglish The Euribor reached 1.2 per cent in August and mortgages are about to become more expensive