This year, the stars have aligned to bring together, on the same day, two very important dates in the November calendar - the switching on of ... the Christmas lights in Malaga city centre and, that most American of inventions, Black Friday. The first one sees multitudes of people gathering together to be mesmerised by a spectacle of shimmer and sparkle for a few glorious moments until the shine eventually wears off and everybody turns their attention to more pressing needs like a massive helping of chocolate and churros. The second one does exactly the same thing.
Maybe you're debating which of these events to participate in and finding it hard to decide. I'm here to help.
First, a good reason to go to the light show on Calle Larios: it costs nothing and the cockles of your heart will inevitably be warmed by the beaming smiles of myriad children and the innocent 'oohs' and 'aahs' of all adults present, including grizzly-looking bald men who clearly wanted to stay in and watch the football but who are now being swept along on a tide of joy and wonder the likes of which they haven't witnessed since the last pound-a-pint night down at their local.
Reasons not to go are limited but one is the sheer numbers of people involved at the inauguration. The show is on thrice daily for more than a month, so it probably makes more sense to pop down on a random Tuesday at your leisure. Another motive for not attending is the fact that they'll be playing that excruciating Mariah Carey Christmas song at eardrum-perforating decibel levels but, you know, you can't have it all.
What about Black Friday? The principal reason for joining the melee is that you might get a flat screen TV you don't really need for a saving of three hundred euros, simultaneously spending five hundred euros that you do really need and marching home with your spoils raised above your head as if you were lifting the world cup. It's also an opportunity to play tug-of-war with complete strangers which is, as we all know, always an edifying experience.
The reasons not to go: risk of physical injury (at the event itself or possibly from your wife when you bring home an unnecessary 285-inch television bought with the funds she'd earmarked for a weekend break in Granada). Also bear in mind the potential loss of all future dignity when your antics are later posted on YouTube as you're seen trampling over a wide and varied range of pensioners in order to get your hands on a selection of mindfulness and wellbeing products.
Well, I think the conclusion is clear - go and see the Christmas lights. On a Tuesday.
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