The Salduba swimming pool in Marbella is being refurbished Josele
Major refurbishment and enlargement of Marbella swimming pool gets under way

Major refurbishment and enlargement of Marbella swimming pool gets under way

With an investment of 2.1 million euros, the works at the Serrano Lima sports centre will continue until early 2024 and include a new roof and solar panels

Andrea Jiménez


Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 09:21

Work has begun to improve the energy efficiency of the Salduba swimming pool in the Antonio Serrano Lima sports centre in Marbella. The project includes the enlargement of the pool, which will allow it to host approved competitions.

With a budget of 2.1 million euros, the work will continue until early 2024, according to the councillors for works, Diego López, and sports, Lisando Vieytes. The project is in line with the criteria of sustainability and energy efficiency on which the EDUSI Marbella strategy is based, which is 80 per cent co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the framework of Spain's Pluri-regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The remaining 20 per cent of the budget will come from the town hall.

The project includes the installation of a new roof with a glazing system, which will control the interior temperature. Solar panels will be installed, "so the building will not need any type of external energy to heat the water in the changing rooms or the swimming pool itself", explained López. Furthermore, the cleaning department will reuse the water left over from the recycling system for cleaning purposes.

This situation will continue until the complete remodelling of the pool is completed, Vieytes explained. "All the activities that were being carried out in this facility have been transferred to the Supera, where they will take place out with the instructors that were in the Salduba pool. We are also working on relocating the different sports clubs that have been using these facilities to other facilities so that they can continue to carry out their training sessions," he added.

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