The dark side of marijuana: from pain relief to the risk of schizophrenia

The dark side of marijuana: from pain relief to the risk of schizophrenia

It is considered a 'soft drug' that is somewhat socially accepted and has therapeutic uses, but it is not harmless, especially to the adolescent brain

Amanda Sierra


Friday, 27 September 2024, 09:30

Substance abuse sparks a strong reaction from society, with most people agreeing that ¨hard¨ drugs like cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl are dangerous. Online, you'll find numerous before-and-after photos of actors and artists that vividly illustrate the impact of this addiction on their appearance and mental health. However, the use of so-called ¨soft-drugs¨, such as cannabis products, is much more socially accepted.The term "soft" suggests they don’t lead to as strong an addiction as other substances, which can create the impression that they are less harmful. But like with most substances the reality isn’t that straightforward; it's almost impossible to simply label substances as "good" or "bad." Instead, there is a whole spectrum of effects that they can have on the brain.

Why does marijuana make us laugh

I think we can all agree that plants don't laugh. So why do we find ourselves laughing when we smoke a joint? Cannabis plants produce a range of compounds called cannabinoids, which help them defend against insects, prevent them drying out, and protect against UV radiation. Notably, cannabinoids are quite similar to a type of substance produced by our own brains, aptly named endo-cannabinoids. Our brain uses these endo-cannabinoids to send signals between neurons. So when we use marijuana or any of its derivatives, our brain gets confused and thinks it is receiving real signals from another neuron.

Think of those old John Ford movies, where the Indians were seen making smoke signals. If there was an actual fire nearby, they probably wouldn't realise the real signals. A similar thing happens in our brains when they’re flooded with cannabinoids from marijuana, making it hard for them to differentiate between those and our own endo-cannabinoids.

To alleviate pain

Anyone who visits the coffee shops of Amsterdam is aware that these shops sell many varieties of marijuana with varying effects. This is because different strains contain different proportions of cannabinoids, which interact with different groups of neurons, leading to results that can range from laughter to relaxation. For example, one of these cannabinoids, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), induces feelings of euphoria, while another, called CBD (cannabidiol), is associated with reduced anxiety.

Mankind has been using marijuana derivatives for thousands of years, dating back to ancient times when they were already included in the pharmacological records of Chinese emperors. Today, thanks to numerous studies on lab mice, we have a clearer understanding of the effects of many of these compounds and their potential therapeutic uses.

The effectiveness of marijuana in alleviating pain and reducing nausea and vomiting in cancer patients is well established, yet many patients are still forced to obtain it illegally. Fortunately, the Ministry of Health is currently considering the approval of its medicinal use for various conditions.

The dangers

Whilst marijuana and its derivatives can be beneficial for adults, problems arise when adolescents use them, which is usually the age experimentation with the drug begins. Therefore, it’s important to take precautions to prevent or delay the use.

Humans are born with a very underdeveloped brain. A foal is able to walk within minutes of birth because its neurons and muscles are already connected. Humans, on the other hand, take many months to learn to walk, because the connections have not yet been established. The development of our brains continues not only during adolescence, but even into early adulthood, well into our twenties. It is able to learn and absorb new knowledge much faster than in later life. But this also means that it is much more susceptible to the effects of drug abuse, including marijuana.

Mental disorders

Several decades of animal experimentation, mostly with lab mice, has confirmed the severe effects of marijuana on brain connectivity when administered early in development. These studies have even suggested that schizophrenia may develop when inherited (genetic) susceptibility is coupled with the risk associated with marijuana use. Data on the patients themselves is a bit more challenging to interpret. Individuals with schizophrenia often consume marijuana frequently, but it’s unclear whether this use contributes to the development of the illness or if, conversely, the condition drives them to use it.

Overall, studies with experiments done in both animals and humans suggest that marijuana use is not without risks and may increase the likelihood of developing serious mental health disorders in susceptible individuals.

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surinenglish The dark side of marijuana: from pain relief to the risk of schizophrenia