The science and art of portfolio construction
The Bigger Picture

The science and art of portfolio construction

Jeremy Blatch


Friday, 8 March 2024, 15:57

Successful construction of an investment portfolio for the long term requires full measures of science and of art. The late David Swensen, chief investment officer of the extraordinarily successful Yale Endowment, gives insight on how to achieve this in his book Unconventional Success: A Fundamental ... Approach to Personal Investment. If investing in risk assets like equities, the time horizon over which the investor wishes to invest is crucial. If wishing to protect existing capital or grow capital by investing in risk assets, the investor must be comfortable holding investments for a minimum of seven to ten years. This assumes that the investor has made provision for income from other sources. There is nothing more damaging to an investment strategy than selling securities to raise capital at the wrong time. If done regularly, this will render the strategy impotent and produce poor investment results.

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