Legionella pneumophila, responsible for 90 per cent of cases.
18 January 1977: Cause of Legionnaires' disease discovered

18 January 1977: Cause of Legionnaires' disease discovered

The mysterious illness which affected 182 people who had attended a convention in Philadelphia was caused by a previously unidentified bacteria found in water

Debbie Bartlett

Friday, 18 January 2019, 15:01

On 18 January 1977 two scientists at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, USA, put an end to a mystery which had been puzzling society for months.

Dr Charles C. Shepard and Dr Joseph E McDade discovered what caused Legionnaires' disease, an outbreak of ... what appeared to be pneumonia which had affected 182 people the summer before, most of whom had been at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

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surinenglish 18 January 1977: Cause of Legionnaires' disease discovered