Ros, beside the projection 'No quiero saber si el color rojo es antes o después'.
Beatriz Ros goes hunting

Beatriz Ros goes hunting

Fragility and violence are portrayed hand in hand in a display entitled 'La boca', which consists of different art forms and focuses on dualities

Antonio Javier López

Friday, 17 February 2017, 12:58

'La boca' - meaning 'the mouth' - is the name of an exhibition by young artist Beatriz Ros which is currently open at the Yuster/Giner Gallery.


  • Artist. Beatriz Ros (Malaga, 1984).

  • Venue. Galería Yusto/Giner. C/ Madera, 9. Marbella.

  • Date. Until 25 March.

  • Opening hours. Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm; Saturday 11am to 2pm.

The mouth is a frontier, a door, between the outside and the inside of the body. The mouth is ... where words take shape. The mouth is the idea, the image that Beatriz Ros has used to create a display in which videos, installations, sculptures and patterns open different paths towards various dualities: man as an animal, the ambivalent dichotomy between hunter and prey, life and death, sensuality and fury.

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surinenglish Beatriz Ros goes hunting